Exploring Economics: New possibilities for E-teaching in times of the corona pandemic
Exploring Economics (Website/de) hat gerade einen Aufruf gestartet, in dem über die Plattform mit ihren Möglichkeiten für’s E-Teaching geworben wird. Wer selbst Materialien hat oder welche anfertigen will, kann sich dort gerne mit den Materialien einbringen.
We are building up a new platform for university teachers
Universities around the world are being closed and courses cancelled to stop the spread of the corona virus. In times like these, it’s especially important to make use of the potential of e-learning and e-teaching technology. With Exploring Economics we have built an online platform to enable online economic learning. With its 25.000 monthly visitors and 700 learning materials, Exploring Economics reaches a broad international audience. Now, we want to move one step further – from an e-learning to an e-teaching platform. Via offering syllabi, curricula, e-books and other teaching ressources, we want to help lecturers to organize and innovate their teaching.
Send us your syllabus
We collect syllabi, transform them into teaching material and publish them on Exploring Economics. You can shape the e-teaching platform by sending your syllabus. Find more infos here.
Send your syllabus
Donate a Wiki Article We are building up an online-based pluralist economics wiki in cooperation with www.wiwi-wiki.net. You can support us by contributing a wiki article on your field of expertise.
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Record an online lecture
Equipped with nothing more than your laptop, you can share your expertise online and reach thousands of viewers. We can help you ensure good quality and reach as many people as possible.
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