New books by UK authors
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Imagining Economics Otherwise: Encounters with Identity/Difference
by Nitasha Kaul
It is possible to be ‘irrational’ without being ‘uneconomic’? What is the link between ‘Value’ and ‘values’? What do economists do when they ‘explain’? We live in times when the economic logic has become unquestionable and all-powerful so that our quotidian economic experiences are defined by their scientific construal. This book is the result of a multifaceted investigation into the nature of knowledge produced by economics, and the construction of the category that is termed ‘economic’ with its implied exclusions. It is an attempt to think economics Otherwise, that is, a questioning of economics as if difference mattered.
Nitasha Kaul re-examines certain understood ways of thinking about economics as a discipline, especially in elation to questions of identity and difference. This book explores the notion that economics is not a timeless, universal, objective science but a changing response to the problems of knowledge and administration. The epistemological inheritance of economics is ‘rooted’ in the enlightenment, and it also inherits the liberal paradoxes of that age. Kaul argues that the juxtaposition of identity with economic (culture/economy) is essential, and can only be achieved by critiquing establishment economists’ discourse on identity, and taking feminist poststructural and postcolonial work seriously. The author challenges the assumption that there is a simple linkage between the category economic, the entity economy and the study of economics. She envisions an economics in the plural: contextual, social, political—econo-mixes.
The book brings together some of the most urgent topics of the day—the power of economics as a discipline, the questions of difference and the politics of identity, and feminist perspectives on this. It will be particularly relevant to heterodox economists, feminist theorists, postcolonial studies scholars, social and cultural theorists, philosophers and history of ideas or intellectual history of thought scholars.
Submitted on 2013/09/09 at 7:43 pm
Economics on the Ropes: why Mainstream Economics is a Pseudo-Scientific Fantasy rooted in Ideology not Reality, by David Wells was self-published by Rain Press in October 2012 [276pp pb]. It develops the themes that I presented in talks at the AHE and IIPPE conferences in July 2011 (and also follows Power and Economics: the Failure of Ideology, 2001). It is currently being considered by a trade publisher, but copies are available to purchase: please contact me at
Endorsed by Ben Brangwyn in the Transition Network Facebook Group: “Must-read *Local Money* pamphlet. Miraculously, John Rogers has distilled everything you need to know on this subject into this very easily digested little tome. Seriously impressive.”
“People Money – the Promise of Regional Currencies” by Margrit Kennedy, Bernard Lietaer and John Rogers, published by Triarchy Press, July 2012:
Endorsed by Hazel Henderson, author, systems thinker, developer of alternative economic indicators: “People Money is a comprehensive , real-time survey of all the robust, viable local currencies and credit-systems emerging worldwide .These are now vital to provide safety-nets as citizens cope with the assaults of “austerity” policies of “technocrats” guided by defunct economics and what behavioural scientists call “theory-induced blindness”. Economics was never a science and monetary policies based on its failed models are causing such widespread harm that the sensible solutions described in this book are now coming to light. This book is vitally important, not only to NGOs and concerned citizens , but also required reading for bankers, financiers and all economy policymakers looking for saner alternatives. ”
Endorsed by Charles Eisenstein, author “Sacred Economics”: “People Money is the single most useful and empowering book I have encountered for those wanting to get involved in the complementary currency movement. Its diverse real-life examples and insightful ‘how-tos’, embedded in deep theoretical understanding, will surely make it essential reading for activists, policy-makers, and economists interested in localization and sustainability.”
MORE REVIEWS on Amazon UK and Amazon US and at the publisher’s website:
A prosperous, fair, and free society is not contingent on –
Privatisation (which is neither “private” nor “personal” but based on corporate financial power) and even less on so-called –
Common ownership (or socialist-inspired public property) but rather on the –
Personalisation of property and the establishment of necessary financial-industrial institutions to serve that purpose.
The Personalisation of property is not founded on the abstract or nebulous ideas of mathematical models, but on the hard empirical evidence of the West Continental powers and the Far East Tigers, as demonstrated in the 4 decades following the post-War period. The fact that widely diverse countries, in terms of cultural traditions, enjoyed equal success, is evidence that the latter is due to economic mechanisms rather than on the influence of cultural or other conditions.
Personalisation principles put emphasis on Individual ownership as a human right, as facilitated through practical varieties of co-determination and controlling share-ownership schemes.
The personalisation of property and the democratic mechanisms for its success are only viable in advanced industrial economies where majorities have achieved a sufficient level of social awareness and technical education to control responsibly the means of production, distribution, and exchange. And that evolutionary stage has now been reached in Western Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand, and amongst the Confucian peoples of the Far East.
The benefits of a financial-industrial system inspired by the personalisation of property, as made evident by recent history, have been:- Greater efficiency in the production and wider distribution of products and services; greater innovation and choice through stimulating competition; the broader distribution of wealth; greater economic egalitarianism; natural checks and balances in creating a more democratic society; and the achievement of justice as fairness in helping to maximise the happiness of humankind.
The rationale for the existence of commerce in alignment with the personalisation of property is in sharp contrast to that of privatisation. Whilst the rationale for so-called privatisation or Rentier financial practices lies solely in the maximising of stockholders profits with no consideration of specific productive purpose; the personalisation of property or Productive Profitability is committed to productive ends alone, irrespective of whether these be for tangible goods or marketable services.
Hence whilst Rentier capitalism puts emphasis on creating money out of money in encouraging usurious tendencies, leading inevitably to the polarisation of wealth; Productive capitalism tends to the greater distribution of wealth through a natural process in maximising productivity for the use of the majority.
The mechanism distinguishing the two types of capitalism stems from the mode of funding industrial investment. Whilst Rentier capitalism is driven by investors seeking to maximise their returns by whatever means and irrespective of the productive returns to be achieved; Productive capitalism is driven by industrial investment credit banks for the purpose of ensuring effective business and innovation throughout the nation state for the prosperity of all.
Whilst financial expertise and power is equally of vital importance to both forms of capitalism, the financier within the Rentier system serves the interests of his client, the investor; whilst the financier within the Productive system imposes his authority over the commercial enterprise in ensuring that invested capital is committed to a defined or specific productive purpose.
A situation now pertains whereby the rationale for “privatisation” or Rentier or Neo-American capitalism, is based on myth or superstitions no less discredited than any defunct scientific, political, religious, or other ideals, which have disfigured peoples in the past. Whilst socialism was finally discredited worldwide with the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, Rentier or laissez-faire capitalism was finally discredited worldwide with the banking crisis in 2008.
In view of the social achievement of majorities in the advanced industrial economies, the time has arrived for re-designing our financial-industrial infrastructures. The need for the personalisation of property has now become an ethical imperative for the public good.
The impact of the changes in society and the world of work over the past 60 years on political life have been significant. All notable parliamentary groups are now trapped ideologically in a time warp of the past, and consequently are unable to address those issues of most concern to peoples today. Leading politicians are aware of this, but nonetheless are forced to maintain a nodding consent to ideas and policies within their operational framework which meanwhile have lost all credibility in the public eye. This is reflected in the collapse of party memberships and voting figures and widespread cynicism.
The only practicable answer to these problems is the formulation of new ideas or reforms, based on empirical evidence, to act as a catalyst for change. The successful resolution of all issues lead ultimately to ethical decision-making, but ethics in serving the interests of the modern world must not be based on prescriptive criteria (whether religious or other culturally rigid and divisive means) but on the scientific basis of utility.
For a more comprehensive description of the personalisation of property or Responsible or Social Capitalism, consult the following books by Robert Corfe, available from all good bookshops or libraries, or as E-books on-line:-
Social Capitalism in Theory and Practice
Vol. I Emergence of The New Majority ISBN 978-0-9556055-3-6 pp. xxv/282
Vol. II The People’s Capitalism ISBN 978-0-9556055-4-3 pp. xx/461
Vol. III Prosperity in a Stable World ISBN 978-0-9556055-5-0 pp. xx/473
Egalitarianism of the Free Society and the end of class conflict
ISBN 978-0-9556055-2-9 pp. xviii/317
The Future of Politics with the demise of the left/right confrontational system
ISBN 978-1-906791-46-9 pp. xvi/188
The Death of Socialism the irrelevance of the traditional left and the call for a progressive politics of universal humanity ISBN 978-1-906791-16-2 pp. xvi/174
Populism Against Progress and the collapse of aspirational values
ISBN 978-1-9543161-8-1 pp. xviii/152
The Democratic Imperative the reality of power relationships in the nation state
ISBN 978-1-909421-14-1 viii/234
Deism and Social Ethics the role of religion in the third millennium
ISBN 978-0-9543161-9-8 pp. xx/201
Freedom From America for safeguarding Democracy and the Economic and Cultural integrity of peoples ISBN 978-0-9543161-5-0 pp. xviii/222
An open invitation is made by ARENA BOOKS to political/social science academics to contribute reviews, features, other articles, or books, or otherwise engage in the debate, on Robert Corfe’s socio-economic analyses and conclusions, with their cross-party implications and repudiation of viewing issues through the left/right divide. It may be noted that his practical philosophy has been developed developed over a 40-year period. An approach may be made to the following –
James Farrell, ARENA BOOKS
Tel:- 01284-754123
6 Southgate Green, Bury St. Edmunds, IP33 2BL,
or to the author direct –
Robert Corfe
Tel:- 07818-028536