UK events

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International Workshop of the University of Hertfordshire’s Group for Research in Organisational Evolution (GROE)

Theme: Institutions and Economic Change
20-21 September 2013 / Hitchin Priory, Hitchin, Hertfordshire, England.


  • Masahiko Aoki (Stanford University, USA)
  • Francesca Gagliardi (University of Hertfordshire, UK)
  • Geoff Hodgson (University of Hertfordshire, UK)
  • Jack Knight (Duke University, USA)
  • Suzanne Konzelmann (Birkbeck College, University of London, UK)
  • Richard Langlois (University of Connecticut, USA)
  • Ugo Pagano (University of Siena, Italy)

You can find the full programme  here.

The workshop is designed to provide in-depth discussion of cutting-edge issues, in a forum that permits the attention to detail and definition that is often lacking in larger, conference-style events. The expected maximum number of participants is 50. Our past Workshops have filled up rapidly, so please book early to avoid disappointment. There are just a few places left. To reserve a place on the workshop please visit

The workshop will include a poster session where participants may present their research, as long as it is related to the workshop theme. To apply to be included in the poster session send an abstract of your paper to Francesca Gagliardi (


Green Economics Conference 2014

31st March – 2nd April, 2014 | Trinity College University of Oxford, UK

We are pleased to announce 9th Annual Green Economics Conference 2014 at Oxford University. After the success of our 8th Annual Conference, which attracted a range of international dignitaries, eminent economists, social innovators, and leading organisations such as the BBC World Service, we are now making preparations for next year’s event. Set in the beautiful historic surroundings of Trinity College, the upcoming conference is set to be a truly remarkable experience.  To reserve your place at the conference, submit abstracts, papers, workshop ideas and for more information: Email:

Further Information

  • Green Economics Institute – Other Upcoming Events
  • Green Built Environment 26th of September 2013 – University of Reading Learn More
  • Green Economics and Health 30th of October 2013- Trinity College, University of Oxford

For bookings and enquiries


Eric Hobsbawm: Historian, Teacher and Critic

Tuesday 1st October 2013, 7.00 pm | Bishopsgate Institute, London, UK

This special seminar from the Socialist History Society will seek to assess the late Eric Hobsbawm’s enduring contribution to the study of history.

Panel Discussion

  • Willie Thompson, formerly Professor of Contemporary History at Glasgow Caledonian University;
  • Malcolm Chase, Professor of Social History, University of Leeds;
  • David Parker, Emeritus Professor, University of Leeds.

Tuesday 1st October 2013, 7.00 pm.  At Bishopsgate Institute, 230 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 4QH. Near Liverpool Street station/underground.  Space is limited -please book early to ensure your place

To book, contact the Bishopsgate Institute on 020 7392 9200 or online.


EuroMemo Group Annual Conference 2013

September 20-22, 2013 | London, UK | website

This year’s EuroMemo Group conference will be held in London at the School of Oriental and African Studies from 20-22 September 2013. We look forward to five different workshops on the overall topic ” The deepening divisions in Europe and the need for a radical alternative to EU policies”. The conference will be opened by a plenary on the state of the Union with Klaus Dräger (GUE-NGL, Brussels), Engelbert Stockhammer (Kingston University) and Marcella Corsi (Sapienza University of Rome). We would like to invite you to attend the conference. For further information and details on the workshop structure, please visit our conference website.

The detailed programme will be as follows:

Friday 20 September (Birkbeck College)

2:30 – 3:00       Arrival and registration

3:00 – 4:30       Plenary: The state of the Union

  • Klaus Dräger (GUE-NGL, Brussels): The political state of theUnion
  • Engelbert Stockhammer (Kingston University): The economic state of the Union
  • Marcella Corsi (Sapienza University of Rome): Economic crisis and gender equality in Europe

4:30 – 5:00       Coffee break

5:00 – 6:30       Plenary: The state of the Union

  • Open discussion

7:00                 Conference Dinner

Saturday 21 September (School of Oriental and African Studies)

9:00 – 1:00       Five parallel workshops

  • Workshop 1 – Economic and financial policy
  • Workshop 2 – Governance and democracy in the EU
  • Workshop 3 – Tax policy, employment and social inequalities
  • Workshop 4 –  Industrial policy and social-ecological transformation
  • Workshop 5 – The EU-US free trade agreement and EU external relations/ Eastern Europe

1:00 – 2:00       Lunch

2:00 – 4:00       Plenary: Policy proposals from workshops

4:00 – 4:30       Coffee break


Michal Kalecki: An Intellectual Biography: Volume I Rendezvous in Cambridge: 1899-1939

Wednesday 2 October at 16.00 | Chancellor’s Hall, Senate House, University of London, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU

Launching of Volume I by Jan Toporowski.

  • Introduction: C.A.E. Goodhart
  • G.C. Harcourt; John Weeks
  • Jan Toporowski: ‘”Dr. Kalecki” and the Keynesians’
  • Chair: V. Chick

Download the flyer here.


Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on Economics (HPPE) Workshop

4-5 September, 2013 | London School of Economics, UK

The LSE Cliometrics Group and HPPE (Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on Economics) are jointly organizing the workshop “Theory and Practice of Measurement: Perspectives from Economic History and the History and Philosophy of Economics” on 4-5 September 2013 at the LSE. The workshop focuses on the theory and practice of measurement from the perspective of both the cliometric practitioners and historians and philosophers of the social sciences. This will be a rare occasion of exchange and interaction between these scientific communities on a theme of vital importance for a correct understanding of the past.

Access to the workshop is free. Those who intend to join the conference dinner at their own expenses should email by August 22nd in order to be included.

The full programme can be found here.



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